Browsing topics in Evangelical Lutheran Worship

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Advent#327Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Advent#430Rejoice, for Christ is king!
Advent#435Lo! He comes with clouds descending
Advent#436Wake, awake, for night is flying
Advent#437On Jordan's stormy bank I stand
Advent#438You will hear the trumpet sound
Advent#439Soon and very soon we are goin' to see the King
Advent#475Lord, enthroned in heav'nly splendor
Advent#488Soul, adorn yourself with gladness
Advent#489Vengo a ti, Jesús amado (Soul, adorn yourself with gladness)
Advent#490Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Advent#501Come with us, O blessed Jesus
Advent#510Word of God, come down on earth
Advent#519Open your ears, O faithful people
Advent#551The Spirit sends us forth to serve
Advent#552Blessed be the God of Israel
Advent#573My soul now magnifies the Lord
Advent#593People who walk in darkness have sought
Advent#625Come, we that love the Lord
Advent#631Love divine, all loves excelling
