Browsing topics in The Church Hymnal: the official hymnal of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Jesus ChristHis Love and Sympathy#149O Gift of God, we praise Thee
Jesus ChristHis Love and Sympathy#150How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Jesus ChristHis Love and Sympathy#151O Love divine, what hast Thou done!
Jesus ChristHis Priesthood#137Where high the heavenly temple stands
Jesus ChristHis Priesthood#138"Within the veil:" Be this, beloved, thy portion
Jesus ChristHis Priesthood#139Since to the Holiest none may enter in
Jesus ChristHis Resurrection and Acsension#134Christ the Lord is risen today
Jesus ChristHis Resurrection and Ascension#133On wings of living light
Jesus ChristHis Resurrection and Ascension#135The day of resurrection
Jesus ChristHis Resurrection and Ascension#136Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#173O brother, be faithful! soon Jesus will come
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#174Come, Lord, and tarry not
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#175Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyes
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#176Lo! He comes, with clouds descending
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#177The church has waited long
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#178In the sun, and moon, and stars
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#179He reigns! the Lord, the Saviour, reigns!
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#180Watchman, tell me, does the morning
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#181Ye who rose to meet the Lord
Jesus ChristHis Second Coming#182'Tis almost time for the Lord to come
