Browsing topics in Celebrating Grace Hymnal

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Advent Candle-Lighting#80Hope, peace, joy and love!
Advent Candle-Lighting#82Light the candle of His hope
Adversity#67In suffering love the thread of life
Adversity#72Day by day and with each passing moment
Adversity#371Now thank we all our God
Adversity#396For such a time as this, O Lord
Adversity#398Jesus, walk beside me
Adversity#400Precious Lord, take my hand
Adversity#573When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
Adversity#613I love the Lord
Adversity#638Lift every voice and sing
Adversity#646Teach me Your way
Adversity#677When we are tested and wrestle alone
Adversity#686God made from one blood all the families of earth
Adversity#691For the troubles and the sufferings
Affirmation of Faith#377There is a Redeemer
Affirmation of Faith#418A mighty fortress is our God
Affirmation of Faith#423This is the threefold truth
Affirmation of Faith#443Ask ye what great thing I know
Affirmation of Faith#584My faith has found a resting place
