Browsing topics in Best Hymns No. 4

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Assurance#99I wandered in the darkness
Assurance#100All in all to me is Jesus
Assurance#101Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
Assurance#102I know not why God's wondrous grace
Assurance#103Oh! Jesus is a satisfying portion
Assurance#104Fade, fade, each earthly joy, Jesus is mine
Assurance#105In the rifted Rock I’m resting
Assurance#106O good old way how blest thou art
Assurance#107My hope is built on nothing less
Assurance#108I have a Friend so precious
Atonement#10Upon the cross He bled
Atonement#11My blinded soul was far astray
Atonement#12There was One Who was willing to die in my stead
Atonement#13There is a fountain filled with blood
Atonement#14In the cross of Christ I glory
Atonement#15A friend I have, called Jesus
Atonement#16There is a Name I love to hear
Atonement#17Oh, I love to read of Jesus and His love
Atonement#18Years I spent in vanity and pride
Atonement#19I think, when I read the sweet story
